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The Complete Pattern Directory

1500 Designs from All Ages and Cultures

Език Английски езикАнглийски език
Книга С твърди корици
Книга The Complete Pattern Directory Elizabeth Wilhide
Код Либристо: 20166147
Издателство Slovart, ноември 2018
An essential resource for any designer, crafter, artist, or historian, THE COMPLETE PATTERN DIRECTOR... Цялото описание
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An essential resource for any designer, crafter, artist, or historian, THE COMPLETE PATTERN DIRECTORY is the most comprehensive, practical, and beautiful directory of patterns throughout history, covering all periods, styles, and cultures.

Throughout history, patterns have come in countless permutations of motif, color, and scale. From the first rhythmic marks pressed onto clay vessels, to the latest digital design, pattern-making has been an essential part of the decorative arts since time immemorial. With 1500 illustrations of patterns from all ages and cultures, THE COMPLETE PATTERN DIRECTORY is not only a visual feast, it is the most comprehensive resource available on the subject. The book is arranged thematically according to pattern type, with chapters on Flora, Fauna, Pictorial, Geometric, and Abstract designs.

Each pattern includes the name of the pattern, the year of its creation, and a brief description. The categories are supplemented by in-depth features highlighting the work of key designers including William Morris, Sonia Delaunay, Charles and Ray Eames, Lucienne Day, and Orla Kiely, as well as sections detailing the characteristic motifs of key period styles from Baroque to Art Deco.

Информация за книгата

Пълно заглавие The Complete Pattern Directory
Автор Elizabeth Wilhide
Език Английски език
Корици Книга - С твърди корици
Дата на издаване 2018
Брой страници 672
Баркод 9780316418232
ISBN 9780316418232
Код Либристо 20166147
Издателство Slovart
Тегло 2682
Размери 237 x 227 x 50
Подарете тази книга днес
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