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Level 2: The Three Musketeers

Език Английски езикАнглийски език
Книга С меки корици
Книга Level 2: The Three Musketeers Alexandre Dumas
Код Либристо: 04201751
Издателство PEARSON Education Limited, март 2008
Classic / British English D'Artagnan wants to be a musketeer. He wants to fight for his king and his... Цялото описание
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18.84 лв
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Classic / British English D'Artagnan wants to be a musketeer. He wants to fight for his king and his country. But the Queen has a problem with the Cardinal, so d'Artagnan and his new friends have to help her. The Cardinal is a very dangerous man. Who will win? Who will lose? And who will die?

Информация за книгата

Пълно заглавие Level 2: The Three Musketeers
Автор Alexandre Dumas
Език Английски език
Корици Книга - С меки корици
Дата на издаване 2008
Брой страници 48
Баркод 9781405855310
ISBN 1405855312
Код Либристо 04201751
Издателство PEARSON Education Limited
Тегло 62
Размери 77 x 198 x 3
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