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Sam Walton

Made in America: My Story

Език Английски езикАнглийски език
Книга С меки корици
Книга Sam Walton Sam Walton
Код Либристо: 04098864
Издателство Random House, юни 1993
Wise and inspiring autobiography... Walton tells his quietly fantastic story with conviction and mak... Цялото описание
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Wise and inspiring autobiography... Walton tells his quietly fantastic story with conviction and makes no bones about his mistakes. -- San Francisco Chronicle

It's a story about entrepreneur, and risk, and hard work, and knowing where you want to go and being willing to do what it takes to get there. And it's a story about believing in your idea even when maybe some other folks don't, and about sticking to your guns. Sam Walton.

Meet a genuine American folk hero cut from the homespun cloth of America's heartland: Sam Walton, who turned a single dime store in a hardscrabble cotton town into Wal-Mart, the largest retailer in the world. The undisputed merchant king of the late twentieth century, Sam never lost the common touch. Here, finally, Sam Walton tells his extraordinary story in his won inimitable words.

Genuinely modest, but always sure of his ambitious and achievements, Sam shares his thinking in a candid, straight-from-the-shoulder style. In a story rich with anecdotes and the "rules of the road" of both Main Street and Wall Street, Sam Walton chronicles the inspiration, heart, and optimism that propelled him to lasso the American Dream.

"Here is an extraordinary success story about a man whose empire was built not with smoke and mirrors, but with good old-fashioned elbow grease." -- Detroit Free Press

Информация за книгата

Пълно заглавие Sam Walton
Автор Sam Walton, John Huey
Език Английски език
Корици Книга - С меки корици
Дата на издаване 1993
Брой страници 368
Баркод 9780553562835
ISBN 0553562835
Код Либристо 04098864
Издателство Random House
Тегло 210
Размери 116 x 174 x 27
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