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Start With Why

How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action

Книга Start With Why Simon Sinek
Код Либристо: 04443160
Издателство Penguin Books, октомври 2011
Why are some people and organisations more inventive, pioneering and successful than others? And why... Цялото описание
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Why are some people and organisations more inventive, pioneering and successful than others? And why are they able to repeat their success again and again?

In business, it doesn't matter what you do, it matters why you do it. "Start with Why" analyses leaders like Martin Luther King Jr and Steve Jobs and discovers that they all think in the same way - they all started with why.

Simon Sinek explains the framework needed for businesses to move past knowing what they do to how they do it, and then to ask the more important question - Why? Why do we do what we do? Why do we exist? Learning to ask these questions can unlock the secret to inspirational business.

Sinek explains what it truly takes to lead and inspire and how anyone can learn how to do it.

Информация за книгата

Пълно заглавие Start With Why
Автор Simon Sinek
Език Английски език
Корици Книга - С меки корици
Дата на издаване 2011
Брой страници 256
Баркод 9780241958223
ISBN 0241958229
Код Либристо 04443160
Издателство Penguin Books
Тегло 184
Размери 197 x 130 x 17
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