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Sticker Studio: Apothecary

A Sticker Gallery for Modern Mystics

Език Английски езикАнглийски език
Книга С твърди корици
Книга Sticker Studio: Apothecary
Код Либристо: 33605335
Издателство St Martin's Press, януари 2022
Discover the healing beauty of the natural world with 600+ stickers! Whether you’re an artist, deco... Цялото описание
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49.69 лв
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Клиентите са закупили също

Antiquarian Sticker Book Odd Dot / С твърди корици
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Antiquarian Sticker Book: Imaginarium Odd Dot / С твърди корици
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Antiquarian Sticker Book: Bibliophilia Odd Dot / С твърди корици
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Bibliophilia Ephemera Sticker Book / С меки корици
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Botanist's Sticker Anthology DK / С твърди корици
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William Morris Sticker Book William Morris / Дипляна
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Floriography Jessica Roux / С твърди корици
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John Derian Sticker Book John Derian / С твърди корици
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So. Many. Planner Stickers. Workman Publishing / С меки корици
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Extraordinary Things to Cut Out and Collage Maria Rivan / С меки корици
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Sticker Studio: Arcana / С твърди корици
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Bees, Birds & Butterflies Sticker Anthology DK / С твърди корици
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Bunches of Botanicals Sticker Book Peter Pauper Press Inc / С меки корици
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Discover the healing beauty of the natural world with 600+ stickers!

Whether you’re an artist, decorator, or sticker collector, Sticker Studio: Apothecary will cloak you in creativity with more than 600 gorgeous, full-color stickers. This gallery of high-quality sticker art and transcendent quotations connects with the sagacity of the natural world. Find the magnificence, wisdom, and serenity of mother nature through gorgeous crystals, candles, and flowers as well as animals, healing herbs, and other natural elements. Roam through this imaginative apothecary and surround yourself with purifying reminders that beauty can be found everywhere.

- Use in creative projects, from collages to scrapbooks
- Adorn home décor and personal items with evocative art
- Jazz up cards, letters, and wrapping paper
- Cherish as an artistic keepsake with words of wisdom reminding you to treasure the spirit of nature
- Share as a gift with those who connect deeply with Earth’s energy

With hundreds of stickers honoring the natural elements, Sticker Studio: Apothecary offers so much to explore and love!

Информация за книгата

Пълно заглавие Sticker Studio: Apothecary
Език Английски език
Корици Книга - С твърди корици
Дата на издаване 2022
Брой страници 144
Баркод 9781250279347
ISBN 1250279348
Код Либристо 33605335
Издателство St Martin's Press
Тегло 740
Размери 197 x 234 x 19
Подарете тази книга днес
Лесно е
1 Добавете книгата в количката си и изберете Доставка като подарък 2 В замяна ще ви изпратим ваучер 3 Книгата ще пристигне на адреса на получателя

Може би ще Ви заинтересува

Pierre-Joseph Redouté: The Book of Flowers Hans Walter Lack / С твърди корици
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Wild Witchcraft / С твърди корици
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So. Many. Stickers. Workman Publishing / С меки корици
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Flower Fairies One Hundred Postcards Cicely Mary Barker / С меки корици
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Kickstart Creativity / Игра
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Botanicum Postcards Kathy Willis / Карти
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Express Thyself! Sticker Book / С меки корици
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Cut Up This Book and Create Your Own Wonderland / С меки корици
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The Essential Planner Sticker Book / С меки корици
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Oddities & Curiosities Sticker, Color & Activity Book / С твърди корици
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Harry Potter World of Stickers / С твърди корици
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