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Too Big to Fail

The Inside Story of How Wall Street and Washington Fought to Save the Financial System - and Themselves

Език Английски езикАнглийски език
Книга С меки корици
Книга Too Big to Fail Andrew R. Sorkin
Код Либристо: 05246791
Издателство Penguin USA, декември 2010
Als die Finanzwelt am Abgrund stand§Als die Investmentbank Lehman Brothers über Nacht zusammenbrach,... Цялото описание
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Als die Finanzwelt am Abgrund stand§Als die Investmentbank Lehman Brothers über Nacht zusammenbrach, löste das Schockwellen um den ganzen Erdball aus. Die Bank war eigentlich zu groß und wichtig gewesen, um sie pleitegehen zu lassen. In einer brillanten Erzählung, die den Leser direkt in die Büros der Mächtigen führt, rekonstruiert der Journalist Andrew R. Sorkin den dramatischen Ausbruch der Finanzkrise von 2008/2009 und die verzweifelten Bemühungen von Bankern und Politikern, den völligen Kollaps des Finanzsystems zu verhindern. Auf der Grundlage von ausführlichen Interviews, firmeninternen E-Mails und Protokollen liefert Sorkin die definitive Darstellung der Krise, die viele bisher unbekannte Details verrät.§ A brilliantly reported true-life thriller that goes behind the scenes of the financial crisis on Wall Street and in Washington. §In one of the most gripping financial narratives in decades, Andrew Ross Sorkin-a New York Times columnist and one of the country's most respected financial reporters-delivers the first definitive blow- by-blow account of the epochal economic crisis that brought the world to the brink. Through unprecedented access to the players involved, he re-creates all the drama and turmoil of these turbulent days, revealing never-before-disclosed details and recounting how, motivated as often by ego and greed as by fear and self-preservation, the most powerful men and women in finance and politics decided the fate of the world's economy.§

Информация за книгата

Пълно заглавие Too Big to Fail
Автор Andrew R. Sorkin
Език Английски език
Корици Книга - С меки корици
Дата на издаване 2010
Брой страници 618
Баркод 9780143118244
ISBN 0143118242
Код Либристо 05246791
Издателство Penguin USA
Тегло 556
Размери 140 x 212 x 35
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